
Drip • Injection Therapy of Gran Pro Clinic Ginza

Drip • Injection Therapy for
Various Problems

Gran Pro Clinic Ginza recommends Drip • Injection therapy to those who “wish to receive medical care to improve physical their constitutions”
and who “wish to enhance the therapeutic effect”.
For a healthy, beautiful and youthful daily life, it is ideal to take adequate nutrition from food.
Malnutrition not only affects skin, hair and other beauty aspects, but may also causes physical disorders.
However, in busy daily life, it is very difficult to supplement nutrients.
We delivers nutrition directly to the blood through “Drip • Injection” to help patients keep healthy every day.


Details of Drip • Injection to Help Improve Problems

Vitamin C Drip
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Support for the Improvement of Skin,
Condition & Fatigue Issues

It is well known that vitamin C plays an important role in restoring immune function and skin care.It is directly delivered to the blood by drips, which increases the concentration of vitamin C in vivo to improve skin and physical condition.美容や身体のケアには25gがおすすめ。また、治療目的として50g~もご用意しております。※the diagnosis and consent of doctors are required, as well as the tests (G6PD test and renal function test).

It is recommended for
those who

  • want to adjust their skin and physical condition
  • care about fatigue and daily sleep
  • want to improve their immune function for health
25g Once12,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times60,000yen(excluding tax)
50g Once16,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times80,000yen(excluding tax)
75g Once21,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times105,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration 25g: 40~50 minutes;
50g: 60~75 minutes;
75g: 80~90 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Once a week or every 2 weeks
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
If you feel pain during the drip treatment, please call nurses to help slow down the infusion.
Points Before & After the Treatment Do not exercise intensely or drink a lot after the drip treatment.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク 殆ど副作用のない安全性の高い治療だと言えます。副反応は軽微で、副作用による死亡例はありません。

点滴液の浸透圧や点滴速度、血管の状態などが関係します。このようなケースの痛みに対しては温めたり、点滴の速度を遅くすることで対処していきます。 その他、点滴という行為に伴う点滴漏れや刺入部の感染、内出血を起こす可能性もゼロではありません。
Hydrogen Therapy
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Stay away from oxidation
to maintain beauty and health

Hydrogen drip treatment is a method that converts hydrogen into nanobubbles, and injects it directly into the blood via drips.Hydrogen can avoid oxidation and inflammation so it can protect us from the damage caused by “reactive oxygen species” (the main cause of skin aging, body disorders, etc.).

It is recommended for
those who

  • have interest in skin whitening care
  • want to be improve their constitution to lose weight easily
  • want to adjust their physical condition for a healthy life

Hydrogen drip

Once 8,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times 40,000yen(excluding tax)

Hydrogen Inhalation

60 minutes Once4,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times20,000yen(excluding tax)
90 minutes Once6,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times30,000yen(excluding tax)
120 minutes Once8,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times40,000yen(excluding tax)

Hydrogen Drip

Treatment Duration About 60 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Once every 2 weeks (chronic disease)
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain There is a pain when dripping.
If you feel pain during the drip treatment, please call nurses to help slow down the infusion.
Points Before & After the Treatment Do not exercise intensely or drink a lot after the drip treatment.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク ・眠気が起こる場合があります。


点滴液の浸透圧や点滴速度、血管の状態などが関係します。このようなケースの痛みに対しては温めたり、点滴の速度を遅くすることで対処していきます。 その他、点滴という行為に伴う点滴漏れや刺入部の感染、内出血を起こす可能性もゼロではありません。

Hydrogen Inhalation

Treatment Duration About 60 minutes / about 90 minutes / about 120 minutes
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Caution Special needles (500 yen (excluding tax)) must be purchased separately.
副作用/リスク ・眠気が起こる場合があります。

Platinum Cocktail Drip
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To supplement vitamins, minerals, etc.

The Platinum Cocktail Drip is added with multivitamins, minerals and sodium bicarbonate, which does not decrease the effect of high-concentration vitamin C.It can achieve a wide range of effects, such as promoting fatigue recovery, health care and beauty care.In the early stage of a cold, we recommend to patients the platinum cocktail drip as nutritional supplements.

It is recommended for
those who

  • get annoyed by fatigue or jet lag syndrome
  • keep strive for beauty care and health maintenance
  • want to effectively supplement nutrients
Once 13,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times 65,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 45 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Once a week or every 2 weeks
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
If you feel pain during the drip treatment, please call nurses to help slow down the infusion.
Points Before & After the Treatment Do not exercise intensely or drink a lot after the drip treatment.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク 副作用はほとんどありませんが、過去にアレルギーの経験がある方は担当医にご相談ください。

点滴液の浸透圧や点滴速度、血管の状態などが関係します。このようなケースの痛みに対しては温めたり、点滴の速度を遅くすることで対処していきます。 その他、点滴という行為に伴う点滴漏れや刺入部の感染、内出血を起こす可能性もゼロではありません。
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Instant Infusion that Supplies Nutrients
in a Short Time

This is a instant infusion of high-concentration vitamin C, vitamin B, minerals and other nutrients.We recommend this to those who want comprehensive care for health and beauty related issues.As an instant infusion, it can be injected during work intervals.

It is recommended for
those who

  • want comprehensive care for health and beauty
  • want to receive drip treatment in a short time
  • want to effectively supplement nutrients
Once 8,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times 40,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 30 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Once a week or every 2 weeks
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
If you feel pain during the drip treatment, please call nurses to help slow down the infusion.
Points Before & After the Treatment Do not exercise intensely or drink a lot after the drip treatment.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク 副作用はほとんどありませんが、過去にアレルギーの経験がある方は担当医にご相談ください。

点滴液の浸透圧や点滴速度、血管の状態などが関係します。このようなケースの痛みに対しては温めたり、点滴の速度を遅くすることで対処していきます。 その他、点滴という行為に伴う点滴漏れや刺入部の感染、内出血を起こす可能性もゼロではありません。
Cocktail Drip
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Drip Therapy with Vitamins and Minerals
as Main Components

This is a kind of drips with nutrients contained in human bodies such as magnesium, calcium, vitamin B, and vitamin C.It is designed by Dr. John Myers, known in the U.S. as a classic drip therapy in the field of comprehensive alternative medical care, which effectively promotes the improvement of indefinite complaints.

It is recommended for
those who

  • are worried about decline in immune function
  • suffer from migraine, rhinitis, and asthma
  • feel chronic fatigue
Once 10,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times 50,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 40 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Once a week (for patients with chronic diseases)
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
When you feel pain during the drip, please call the nurse to help slow down the infusion.
Points Before & After the Treatment Do not exercise intensely or drink a lot after the drip treatment.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク 副作用はほとんどありませんが、過去にアレルギーの経験がある方は担当医にご相談ください。

点滴液の浸透圧や点滴速度、血管の状態などが関係します。このようなケースの痛みに対しては温めたり、点滴の速度を遅くすることで対処していきます。 その他、点滴という行為に伴う点滴漏れや刺入部の感染、内出血を起こす可能性もゼロではありません。
Cinderella Drip
(Whitening Drip)
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Create healthy and
bright skin

高濃度グルタチオンとビタミンCによる美容点滴です。The combination of these two components promotes anti-oxidation, detoxification, and cell viability, and helps improve skin roughness and skin/whitening care.Since it may improve the synergy of cell function, we recommend this to those who want not only to keep skin care, but also to beautify the skin from the inside out.

It is recommended for
those who

  • want to receive skin and whitening care
  • get annoyed by acne and rough skin
  • long for bright skin
Once 12,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times 60,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 30 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Once a week
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
If you feel pain during the drip treatment, please call nurses to help slow down the infusion.
Points Before & After the Treatment Do not exercise intensely or drink a lot after the drip treatment.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク 副作用はほとんどありませんが、過去にアレルギーの経験がある方は担当医にご相談ください。

点滴液の浸透圧や点滴速度、血管の状態などが関係します。このようなケースの痛みに対しては温めたり、点滴の速度を遅くすることで対処していきます。 その他、点滴という行為に伴う点滴漏れや刺入部の感染、内出血を起こす可能性もゼロではありません。
detoxification drip
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It solves problems such as rough skin,
liver function issues, and fatigue.

Glutathione is effective in health and beauty care. Although skin, liver, cornea, etc., contain glutathione, it tends to decrease due to external stimuli such as age and ultraviolet light. Its decrease is associated with symptoms such as rough skin, decreased metabolism, fatigue, and decreased liver function.Supplementing glutathione can effectively facilitate the improvement of these symptoms.

It is recommended for
those who

  • care about rough skin and dull complexion
  • feel chronic fatigue
  • are used to drinking alcohol
800mg Once8,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times40,000yen(excluding tax)
1200mg Once12,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times60,000yen(excluding tax)
2000mg Once16,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times80,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 30 to 40 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Once a month
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
If you feel pain during the drip treatment, please call nurses to help slow down the infusion.
Points Before & After the Treatment Do not exercise intensely or drink a lot after the drip treatment.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク グルタチオンは副作用も非常に少ない安全率の高い医薬品で、薬の副作用の治療に使われることもあるほどです。また米国では抗がん剤の副作用による指先のしびれ(末梢神経障害)、閉塞性動脈硬化症など様々な疾患の治療にも使用されています。

点滴液の浸透圧や点滴速度、血管の状態などが関係します。このようなケースの痛みに対しては温めたり、点滴の速度を遅くすることで対処していきます。 その他、点滴という行為に伴う点滴漏れや刺入部の感染、内出血を起こす可能性もゼロではありません。
α-lipoic Acid Drip for
Weight Loss
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Anti-aging Drip Treatment

We recommend this drip treatment to patients for the purpose of weight loss, aging care, fatigue recovery care.Due to the hypermetabolism after the administration of α-lipoic acid drips, your body will run out of the vitamin B family, so we will give vitamin B supplements after the treatment.The drips are available in 100mg and 200mg.

It is recommended for
those who

  • worry about skin problems due to aging
  • feel chronic fatigue
  • get annoyed by face or hand edema
100g Once8,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times40,000yen(excluding tax)
200g Once12,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times60,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 30 to 60 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Once a week
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
If you feel pain during the drip treatment, please call nurses to help slow down the infusion.
Points Before & After the Treatment Do not exercise intensely or drink a lot after the drip treatment.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク 副作用はほとんどありませんが、αリポ酸のサプリメントを服用し低血糖を発症した、インスリン自己免疫症候群の例が報告されています。αリポ酸ダイエット点滴によるインスリン自己免疫症候群の発症は報告されておりませんが、十分にケアをしながら点滴することをおすすめします。

点滴液の浸透圧や点滴速度、血管の状態などが関係します。このようなケースの痛みに対しては温めたり、点滴の速度を遅くすることで対処していきます。 その他、点滴という行為に伴う点滴漏れや刺入部の感染、内出血を起こす可能性もゼロではありません。
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Drip Focusing on Comprehensive Aging Care

Compared with high-concentration vitamin C drip, this drip is added with vitamins and minerals in a balanced way, and is mainly used for anti-aging.It helps improve age-related skin problems and fatigue, and comprehensively assists in health and beauty care.We recommend this to people who want to receive physical condition management and skin care as a nutritional supplement.

It is recommended for
those who

  • get annoyed by signs of aging
  • want to live a healthy and youthful life every day
  • feel chronic fatigue
Once 12,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times 60,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 45 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Once a week or every 2 weeks
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
If you feel pain during the drip treatment, please call nurses to help slow down the infusion.
Points Before & After the Treatment Do not exercise intensely or drink a lot after the drip treatment.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク 副作用はほとんどありませんが、過去にアレルギーの経験がある方は担当医にご相談ください。

点滴液の浸透圧や点滴速度、血管の状態などが関係します。このようなケースの痛みに対しては温めたり、点滴の速度を遅くすることで対処していきます。 その他、点滴という行為に伴う点滴漏れや刺入部の感染、内出血を起こす可能性もゼロではありません。
Inner Balance
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Drip to Adjust Health and
Body Balance

This drip therapy plays an important role in health maintenance and beauty. Ingredients to help maintain liver function and improve metabolism are added, including vitamins and minerals.It helps you deal with your health and beauty issues by adjusting your inner balance.

It is recommended for
those who

  • want to adjust their physical condition from the inside out
  • want to supplement vitamins and other nutrients
  • feel exhausted and tired
Once 12,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times 60,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 45 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency 2 to 3 times a month
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
If you feel pain during the drip treatment, please call nurses to help slow down the infusion.
Points Before & After the Treatment Do not exercise intensely or drink a lot after the drip treatment.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク 副作用はほとんどありませんが、過去にアレルギーの経験がある方は担当医にご相談ください。

点滴液の浸透圧や点滴速度、血管の状態などが関係します。このようなケースの痛みに対しては温めたり、点滴の速度を遅くすることで対処していきます。 その他、点滴という行為に伴う点滴漏れや刺入部の感染、内出血を起こす可能性もゼロではありません。
Drip for Headache · Stiff Shoulder
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Instant Drip with
Vitamins and Minerals

This is a short version of Myers Cocktail Drip.By adding nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, vitamin B, vitamin C, and sodium bicarbonate, it can effectively alleviate headaches, stiff shoulders, and chronic fatigue caused by poor blood circulation.

It is recommended for
those who

  • are worried about decline in immune function
  • suffer from migraine, rhinitis, and asthma
  • feel chronic fatigue
Once 8,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times 40,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 45 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Moderate
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
If you feel pain during the drip treatment, please call nurses to help slow down the infusion.
Points Before & After the Treatment Do not exercise intensely or drink a lot after the drip treatment.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク 副作用はほとんどありませんが、過去にアレルギーの経験がある方は担当医にご相談ください。

点滴液の浸透圧や点滴速度、血管の状態などが関係します。このようなケースの痛みに対しては温めたり、点滴の速度を遅くすることで対処していきます。 その他、点滴という行為に伴う点滴漏れや刺入部の感染、内出血を起こす可能性もゼロではありません。
Drip for Fat Burning
and Weight Loss
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Efficient Weight Loss
and Constitution Improvement

A large amount of α-lipoic acid and vitamin B family, which promote fat metabolism and combustion, are added to supplement vitamins we tend to lack during weight loss and to help you gain a constitution favorable for weight loss.Through reasonable exercise and diet with supplements, the effect of weight loss will be enhanced.

It is recommended for
those who

  • want to lose weight efficiently
  • get troubled by the constitution hard to lose weight
  • want to supplement vitamins and other nutrients
Once 8,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times 40,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 45 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Once a week
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
If you feel pain during the drip treatment, please call nurses to help slow down the infusion.
Points Before & After the Treatment Do not exercise intensely or drink a lot after the drip treatment.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク 副作用はほとんどありませんが、アルファリポ酸のサプリメントを服用し低血糖を発症した、インスリン自己免疫症候群の例が報告されています。αリポ酸ダイエット点滴によるインスリン自己免疫症候群の発症は報告されておりませんが、十分にケアをしながら点滴することをおすすめします。

点滴液の浸透圧や点滴速度、血管の状態などが関係します。このようなケースの痛みに対しては温めたり、点滴の速度を遅くすることで対処していきます。 その他、点滴という行為に伴う点滴漏れや刺入部の感染、内出血を起こす可能性もゼロではありません。
Drip for Hair Growth & Restoration
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Support for Hair Growth & Restoration
from the Inside Out

The Drip for Hair Growth·Restoration is a drip therapy that directly injects nutrients (pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamins, etc.) effective for hair growth and hair growth into the blood.“HARG therapy” for hair restoration combined with “fat-derived stem cell culture supernatant” can improve baldness and hair loss problems.

It is recommended for
those who

  • get annoyed by baldness and hair loss
  • want to enhance the effect of hair restoration treatment
  • want to adjust the scalp condition from the inside out
Once 8,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times 40,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 30 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Once a week
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
If you feel pain during the drip treatment, please call nurses to help slow down the infusion.
Points Before & After the Treatment Do not exercise intensely or drink a lot after the drip treatment.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク 副作用はほとんどありませんが、過去にアレルギーの経験がある方は担当医にご相談ください。

点滴液の浸透圧や点滴速度、血管の状態などが関係します。このようなケースの痛みに対しては温めたり、点滴の速度を遅くすることで対処していきます。 その他、点滴という行為に伴う点滴漏れや刺入部の感染、内出血を起こす可能性もゼロではありません。
Fatigue recovery
garlic injection
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Replenish Energy
for Daily Health

Garlic injection is said to be effective in fatigue recovery, which is rich in vitamins, including vitamin B1.It promotes the decomposition of “lactic acid” (a substance that causes fatigue and is difficult to eliminate), and effectively restores strength.We recommend the fatigue recovery garlic injection for patients as health care measures.

It is recommended for
those who

  • feel chronic fatigue
  • get annoyed by allergic diseases
  • suffer from lumbago, stiff shoulders, and eyestrain
Once 3,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times 15,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 15 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Moderate
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
Points Before & After the Treatment Allergic reactions and internal hemorrhage may occur depending on your physical condition on the treatment day.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク まれに血管痛や身体が熱く感じたり、点滴後だるさを感じたりすることがあります。

Strong fatigue recovery
garlic injection
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Nutritional Injection after Enhancing
the Garlic Injection

Strong fatigue recovery Garlic injection is based on vitamin B family (ingredients of the garlic injection) and natural ingredients that may exert anti-allergic effects. It is added with active vitamin B family, vitamin C and pantothenic acid to replenish energy.This injection is favorable for health maintenance and fatigue recovery.

It is recommended for
those who

  • get annoyed by chronic fatigue
  • get annoyed by allergic diseases
  • suffer from lumbago, stiff shoulders, and eyestrain
Once 4,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times 20,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 15 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Moderate
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
Points Before & After the Treatment Allergic reactions and internal hemorrhage may occur depending on your physical condition on the treatment day.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク まれに血管痛や身体が熱く感じたり、点滴後だるさを感じたりすることがあります。

Liver Function Enhancement Injection
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Liver Function Care to
Spend Every Day in Good Condition

The hangover and liver function enhancement injection helps promote alcohol detoxification and liver function improvement, facilitates alcohol metabolism, and treats liver dysfunction caused by overfatigue.We recommend the hangover and liver function enhancement injection to those who not only worry about the liver function, but also eczema, dermatitis, freckles, etc.

It is recommended for
those who

  • want to take care of the liver function
  • are used to drinking alcohol
  • get annoyed by skin problems
Once 5,000yen(excluding tax)
2 times 25,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 15 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Once a week ~ Moderate
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
Points Before & After the Treatment There will be the smell of garlic after the injection.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク 副作用はほとんどありませんが、過去にアレルギーの経験がある方は担当医にご相談ください。

Placenta injection
(2 ampoules)
Surgery Photos

Treat Immune Symptoms Associated with Physical Disorders and Skin Problems

This is an injection of placenta extract (active ingredients extracted from the placenta).Placenta contains many physiologically active substances, which have the effect of relieving symptoms such as stiff shoulder, cold, anemia, fatigue, menopausal symptoms and dysmenorrhea.We also suggest you apply this injection as part of skin care.

It is recommended for
those who

  • worry about physical disorders such as menopausal symptoms
  • feel chronic fatigue
  • want to adjust their skin and physical condition
Once 3,000yen(excluding tax)
6 times 15,000yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 10 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Moderate
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain There is a pain when you drip.
Points Before & After the Treatment Allergic reactions and internal hemorrhage may occur depending on your physical condition on the treatment day.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク プラセンタ注射では、今まで重篤な副作用が起きた事例はありません。

肝機能障害(AST,ALT 上昇など)


Pollinosis · Allergy Injection
Surgery Photos

Care for Allergic Symptoms
in Pollinosis Seasons

The Pollinosis · Allergy Injection is aimed at allergic symptoms caused by pollinosis.Our pollinosis injection does not apply steroids, but natural anti-allergic drugs so as to promote the alleviation and improvement of allergic symptoms.We recommend you start the treatment about 1 month before the onset of allergic symptoms.

It is recommended for
those who

  • suffer from pollinosis
  • get annoyed by allergic symptoms
  • want to receive treatment without steroids
Once 5,000yen(excluding tax)
3 times 12,500yen(excluding tax)
Treatment Duration About 10 minutes
Standard Visit Frequency Once a month
Intraday Treatment In order to enable patients to receive the treatment at ease, Gran Pro Clinic Ginza adopts a reservation-only system.
Patients who wish to see the doctor on the current day can contact us at(03-3538-5825
Pain You may feel pain when the needles of drips stick you.
Points Before & After the Treatment Allergic reactions and internal hemorrhage may occur depending on your physical condition on the treatment day.
Anesthesia Not required
副作用/リスク 1シーズン(計2~4回)継続して行うのが効果的です。



※ Part of the menu and regulated prices in our partnership salons may vary.Please be aware of this.


FAQ to Ginza Gran Pro Clinic

How long does the drip injection take?
This may vary from person to person. Subcutaneous injection takes tens seconds, while intravenous injection takes less than 5 minutes. Common drips usually take about 30 to 45 minutes. High-concentration vitamin C drips, due to differences in concentration, takes 60 to 120 minutes.There are some differences in time depending on the speed of administration.
Will the drip injection leave a mark?
In the case of patients whose vessels are thin, or who are prone to have internal hemorrhage, marks similar to internal hemorrhage may occur. But these will disappear within a few days after the treatment, so pleased do not worry.
Is it effective to only take the treatment once?
The effect of injection or drip treatment may not be seen instantly.Keeping receiving the treatment can improve your constitution, and support health and beauty care from the inside out.Although the frequency of visits to our hospital varies depending on the drips and injections, we recommend you receive 1 treatment once every 2 weeks.
Does the injection or
drip have side effects?